Sued51's Blog

{July 29, 2014}   Thank you, Buffy the Vampire Slayer!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Thank Goodness for Buffy The Vampire Slayer

We all have certain things that never fail to cheer us up, or at least help us to tolerate the less-than-perfect times. It is with a giggle I admit how often I have turned to Buffy in the last year.

One year ago I moved to my tiny apartment. Even with very little space, I decided to lug along my big, heavy TV with the built-in VCR and DVD players to put in my bedroom. As senseless as it may have seemed at the time, I have been grateful for it many times in the last year. Like when it took three appointments with three different technicians to get my cable and Internet running properly. As I was trying to settle in and find comfort in my new space I was able to turn to my “old technology” TV and pull out my Buffy the Vampire Slayer series DVDs. Ah…the clothes, the silliness, the witty writing…and the familiar characters…it was good to see them again. I didn’t feel so lonely and so lost.

A year later I was again having trouble with my cable and Internet; I’m up to Season Three now…and I’m grateful…again. I even told the customer service person on the phone about Buffy. When I couldn’t get a technician to come out for two days she said, “Well, I guess you’ll be watching Buffy again tonight!” And we laughed. I’ll bet she was grateful too… Buffy helped her not to have to deal with a frustrated customer.

And within that year I had a month and a half when my cable-connected living room TV was broken (it was the holidays…too much going on…then the TV repair man had to come out three times before he got the correct board to fix it). Buffy and my old TV kept me from feeling upset with things out of my control. After all, we have Buffy to protect us from the vampires and demons out to get us! 🙂

And when I had a horrible migraine, a terrible day at work, and sat in the waiting room for an appointment that had been changed to another day? Buffy and a bloody mary (get it?) was the redeeming ending to my day that allowed me to go to sleep with the confidence that the next day would be better.

You definitely wouldn’t call it binge watching as after one year I am only in Season Three, but I’m savoring it…every moment.

Tell me, readers, do you have a movie or TV show  you turn to in the “tough” times?

Colline says:

I do not have any one in particular – though I do love rewatching some of the DVDs that I have 🙂


sued51 says:

Colline, thanks for your comment and visit. I have many movies, but I’m often too tired to watch them after working all day. One hour is just enough…


Peter S says:

I’m sure that I have seen every episode of Seinfeld many, many times!


sued51 says:

Me too Peter…that’s why I never bought it…it was always on. Seinfeld is great…


Peter S says:

Years ago, before cable TV, I was like this with the original Star Trek. I think it was shown in reruns once a week, late Sunday nights. I’ve never watched any of the other Star Trek series, just the first one. I found it relaxing for some reason, and then when the show was over that meant that the weekend was over too!


I am a fan of Buffy the Vampire slayer. Long before True Blood and Vampire Diaries, there is the fun, wholesome, very entertaining Buffy. Miss those days!


sued51 says:

I agree, Buffy was just plain FUN!


Sonel says:

I’ve started watching the series but had way too many that I liked and even forgot about this one Sue. Thanks for the reminder. 😀
I am glad she got you through some tough times. ♥ Hugs ♥


sued51 says:

Thanks for your visit and comment, Sonel! 😀


Cindi says:

Ahhhh, Buffy! Aside from the brilliance of the series itself, she reminds me of giggly moments with my daughters as we watched (and, since they were older, drank) our way through all seven seasons.

It was a little cathartic, for many reasons.

Fast forward a few years, and I’m remarried and living in Norway. I got my husband to watch all of Buffy during the first winter I was here. I had that ranked pretty high on the “impossible” list … and he enjoyed most of it.

When weeding out DVDs for our move a year ago, I donated many, many, many that we had.

Buffy stayed.

And now I need to watch her again. 🙂

Obviously, I agree with you … she helps us get through “those” times, doesn’t she?


sued51 says:

Cindi…thanks for your comment; wonderful to find another “Buffy” fan! 🙂 Glad you got your husband to watch it and that he liked most of it. How could you not…LOL! It reminds me of being young and having a “group” of friends to hang out with. For some reason I can watch them over and over…


New Girl is one of my best go-to series for tough times! 🙂 It reminds me how important it is to stay true to yourself and that at the end of the day, everything works out okay.


sued51 says:

Thanks for sharing! I think most people have one, but some don’t like to admit it! 🙂


I don’t have a particular one, but I must say that I love sitcoms, especially when I’ve had an awful day 🙂


sued51 says:

HH, sitcoms are so easy to watch and take your mind off things. And they are short like meditation!

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Love this topic. My “comfort food” TV is “Mystery Science Theater 3000”. Always puts me in a good mood. And I can completely engage with it, or just fall asleep to it–both methods work.

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sued51 says:

Michael, funny, isn’t it? Everyone has one…and you can watch it over and over…or fall asleep to it as you say (you haven’t missed anything you haven’t seen before).


fac-n-fic says:

I can honestly say that I have never seen an episode of Buffy, with that said, I have a favorite movie that I watch. The breakfast Club…Love it


sued51 says:

The Breakfast Club is a classic; gotta love the “Brat Pack.” If you like Whedon, you should check out Buffy, as it was the first TV show he created. It’s a hoot!


fac-n-fic says:

No. I will not check out Buffy. Are you trying to murder me?

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sued51 says:

Damn…you figured me out!

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fac-n-fic says:

hahaha…tis tis tis…redrum, redrum


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