Sued51's Blog

{December 10, 2013}   A “Fun” But Scary Web Site

I saw this on another blog. I was curious and I couldn’t resist checking out the web site mentioned: See Your Folks.

My father died 3 years ago, so there was nothing to input there. My mother is in her 80’s, and I see her at least once a week. The website is supposed to tell you how many more times you will see your parents. My answer was not a number. It said:

Your mum is living 6 years beyond the age she is expected to die.

Source: World Health Organisation Life Expectancy Data (2011).

Isn’t that a slap in the face? Isn’t that a gratefulness wake-up call???


old family photos

My Mom and Me

Damn. It really sounds harsh, huh? I will check the website out. Even though it sounds quite creepy..


sued51 says:

Thank goodness I talk to her every day, but yeah…tough to hear…


I don’t think I can handle this one.


sued51 says:

I don’t blame you!


Pat says:

Do I dare do it on myself & hubby? 😀


sued51 says:

Scary stuff…meant for Gen X and Gen Y to appreciate us. 🙂


I love that picture, but I’m not crazy about the idea of that website. There are some things you just can’t know, it is hard enough for me to accept that, I’m thinking that website would not help me 🙂


sued51 says:

I know…it is meant for young people who are spending too much time working and not enough time with their families. I probably shouldn’t have done it either…I was just curious…but you know what they say about curiosity…:-)


Haha, yes poor cat 🙂 Although I have to say most cats I have known have been very intelligent.


The site needs some work in the way they present the information. Currently? It sounds too morbid for my taste! 🙂


sued51 says:

Yes, I didn’t like the wording for my Mom!


Oooh! that is a bit creepy. I lost my mum a couple of years ago too and I see my dad as often as I can. I think I can do without being guilt tripped about that. Marie


Half the year, I live far away from my mom. I’m so looking forward to seeing her again in March when I go back to South Africa, but every time we leave, I wonder if I’ll see her again. I don’t like the sound of the website. Too much of a wake up call. Life must be lived for sure. 🙂


sued51 says:

It’s supposed to be a wake-up call for workaholic young people…but the irony is…they are too busy to bother and probably not open to listening…


Jo Bryant says:

Don’t like that at all


sued51 says:

It’s rough…


jakesprinter says:

So Sad Sued .


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