Sued51's Blog

{June 11, 2014}   Working through a Migraine

puddle with pollen

Pollen Murking up the Puddles

I had a rough day at work yesterday; the thunderstorms and weather change brought on a migraine at a busy time. My stress at being unable to control what is happening to me exacerbates it, but it is hard to calm myself down. I know no one on the outside knows what is happening inside my head; I fear they think I am stupid when I can’t get things right. Can anyone relate?

This poem is what I got out of a bad day.


When it comes, the torture begins:

I am plunged under water and

struggle to do the simplest thing –

Breath, hold on –

as the numbers and words enter

my whooshing ears,

they are dashed around

inside my head,

flipped over against

the rocks of pain over my eyes;

behind them, I mentally write white

upon a black backdrop

so I can see what I hear,

try to send them in a slow-motion rush

through my hands, through my pen,

backwards like a photo negative,

Black on white –

Make sense, I pray,


make sense,

hang on

until you are released

and the water recedes.

Cindi says:

Such a powerful poem.

I hope you’re feeling a bit better today. Even if it’s “gone,” the after-migraine can be almost as invasive.


sued51 says:

Thanks for “getting it” Cindi. Usually after the migraine I am just drained and exhausted. I am feeling better today, thank you! 🙂


Wow! Thankfully I haven’t encountered a migraine before, but have a sister and know others who do suffer from them. Your poem was certainly realistic, to the point where I could almost feel what you were describing. Thank you for your honesty and realism. Glad I visited and look forward to reading more!


sued51 says:

Thanks for your comment and your visit! Migraines are so different for different people, but I just wanted to capture what mine was like. For me, the hardest part is going through it alone — no one knows what you are going through while it is happening. Glad you felt it from the poem…that’s halfway to getting people to understand, which is what I was after! 🙂


You’re welcome! I’d say…mission accomplished! 🙂


bluebee says:

I get ophthalmic migraines which don’t bring pain, so your poem brings insight into the type that do. I know a few people who suffer from them – so debilitating.


sued51 says:

BB…are those the ones where you see a flash? I had one of those once…a lightening-shaped flash in front of my eyes blocking my vision…no pain, but scared the heck out of me. My mother called it a silent migraine and told me my father had those (something I never knew until then).


Wow Sue, having suffered with migraines I cannot imagine trying to actually work while suffering through one. Good for you for hanging on and for getting something beautiful out of it. Since going thru “the change” my migraines have gone away – at least SOMETHING good has come from it LOL. Glad to see you’re feeling better.


sued51 says:

Tina, thanks for your comment. Migraines seem to be as individual as the people who have them. I just REALLY wanted to express what it feels like to people who don’t understand…Glad you don’t have them so much anymore…gives me hope. 🙂


sueslaght says:

Hope you are feeling better. My son used to have migraines and they were awful. sending positive energy and best wishes.


sued51 says:

Thanks for your visit and comment. I am feeling better Sue. It was a glorious day today with low humidity and low pollen!


sueslaght says:

Excellent news! Take care.


This is one of the worst feelings ever!! Cant believe you tried to work through one…I usually end up lying on the tiles in a dark room…


sued51 says:

Janaline, Sorry you have them, but glad you understand. 🙂 So many people don’t, which is why I tried to work through it…


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